More Mood Lighting!! Warm Colors & Soft Lights | Inspirations From Thailand

The world comes alive at night in Thailand. As the day lies down and the heat subsides, the towns across Thailand light up all anew!

Restaurants appear out of thin air, with glowing lanterns and a night-magic that does not exist by day. It is spectacular to experience the Thai people’s mastery of atmospheric lighting after dark. A pathway is lit with flowing silk lanterns to emphasize the movement and shadows cast by tall and swaying bamboo.

Red rice paper parasols lit from within, serve to create little oasis’ at each table in an eating establishment. Hand carved teak lamps flicker with tea candles, like finely made jack-o-lanterns with mysterious embers.

And the white paper orbs with bulbs on the inside, are strung up high over the pool, echoing the sentiment of a full moon. (Guess which one is the moon!)

The temple light at night is awesome! It glitters in all of its finery, gold relics sparkling, achieving beautiful Buddha light. Images of gold, silver and emerald, with wall decoration intricately hand-painted in brilliantly colored pigments and gold leaf, and the saffron robes worn by the monks, all contribute to the warm light cast by the temple. When the gongs and bells are sounded the tone is peacefully set.

A neighborhood street is lit by string lights and lanterns, sold by artisans at the night markets. These outdoor lighting fixtures are used in everyday life, always ingenious, made by bending colored plastic sheeting or formed by adept hands with silk and bamboo to make floral shapes.

The family cooking fires are the most natural light of all, the space where family, friends and neighbors all gather.

I am stunned by the quality of illumination at night in Thailand, yet more so, by how it is placed!…an invisible thread that constructs a shape, a mood, a feeling, an emotion.